Update v0.2.1

Hey all,

Mo here. 

After plenty of feedback, I found quite a few issues with the game, in addition to one quite game breaking. Here is all that was resolved. In addition to issues that are currently being worked on, or known off. 

Issues Resolved:

    • Opening and Closing the WORKER PANEL repeatedly made it progressive smaller, which made players lose the game, and simply unable to progress. This was due to a animation fault, and is now resolved. 
    • The OBJECTIVES finally work. Previously, I had issues showing objectives, and instead showed a placeholder in the previous version.
    • Within that, I resolved an issue where rewards given where the total amount of ALL objectives in the game, rather than giving you what the objective actually said. 
    • Additionally, I resolved an issue where the rewards did not display correctly. Showing duplicates or the incorrect values. This is also now resolved
  • UI / UX:
    • Issue resolved where players were able to place building whilst hovering over UI elements.

Issues In Progress Or Open:

    • Issue persists where objectives that have continuations do not show correctly. The issue here is that instead of showing the correct amount of buildings already placed. It will show 0, until you place the next building, where it will then update.
    • For housing, there are two kinds of buildings. STANDARD and PLATFORM VARIANTS. These are both meant to cost the same, and increment the same, but currently they do not, this issue is currently being worked on, and is TOP PRIORITY

Thank you all for reading and I hope you enjoy the new update. 


Get [Prototype] Building Sim x Incremental Game

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